Putting Yourself First.

Putting Yourself First.

So, we all go through that stage or “phase” of, ‘I am not happy lately and perhaps it is because I am not putting myself first.’ Now this is where I get confused.  

There are two types of people in this kind of situation. One believes that the only way they will achieve or ever experience happiness is putting others first. “Others” being your loved ones, parents, siblings and so forth. This could be in a religious perspective, like give and you shall receive type of situation (But that is too deep to discuss right now). And the second, are the ones that claim that they have done too much for others and in result they neglect their own well-being.  

I am honestly failing to understand which one is the right one…or perhaps there is no right or wrong and it goes with a particular situation. I have yet to be in such a tight corner, but I feel it nearing for some odd reason, so what are your thoughts on this? Do you think that it can go both ways? I need to know.

“The purpose of our lives is to be happy”

– Dalai Lama.